To get a letter, send a letter

Hello readers!  Miss me?
I finally was able to snag a working card reader!! I've all but bolted it to my camera.

In my blog absence, I've been crafting away at nice little things to show you all, slowly gathering things for the Sew-A-Long, and writing letters. I have bad penmanship

Today was a nice enough day to reply to a few over-due letters. Sunny, but cloudy out, and no black-outs.(yesterday, SD county was out of power from 3:40-about 9:50. I remained quite calm during the whole ordeal)


I really enjoy writing letters. I call it 'The cheapest way to travel'. It's a good way to make friends, and to learn about another place. I try to convince a lot of my friends to write to some one. Even if you can't think of anything, just send a letter. It'll put a smile on their face.

letter doodles

Or at least the envelope will.

Oh, notice the new layout? I wanted something simple and lovely. I still have to fix a few things here and there (links especially!) But I'm quite happy about it. I'm not html savvy, but I think I did pretty ok.
What do you think?

Take Care, and Happy Crafting.

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